Want to use your favorite song to create iphone ringtones, here are my three tips for creating your own free ringtone.
Convert a ringtone for iphone itune:
Open itune and browse your library by selecting the song you want to convert. Start listening to the song from the beginning to the end choose 40 second you want to use as a ringtone. Cut the piece and right click to select "get info" to open the file properties.
Open the "Options" and enter the start and end in the field. Click "OK" to accept the changes. Select the song and click the menu "Advanced". Click "create AAC version". Then create a copy of the file between the beginning and the end to AAC, the standard for the ringtone iphone.
Open properties of the original file and delete the start and stop times. Right-click the new shortcut file and select "Show in Windows Explorer". This command opens a window with the novella highlighted file in its directory.
Right-click the file to "rename" change the last letter of three "m4a" to "m4r" and press "enter." If you are prompted, press "yes" to accept the change. Open itunes and cut the short version. Remove the song from itune library. Back to the window to rename the song files. Now just transfer the song on your iphone plug a USB cable to your computer.
ringtone app for iphone :
- IRinger
You can select the ringtones with a variety of function supported by iRinger. It works on all versions of Microsoft Windows including Windows Vista. It requires an iphone firmware 2.11 or later.
- Ringtime Maker Pro.
You Sever the start time and length first, then listen back to see if you are happy with the result or if you want to change your voice. Once you have set with the one you love, you create.Then you can either email it or press the help button to learn how to use the ringtone.
Site created for your ringtone:
- Audiko
- Zedge
- Bicious
Here three methods to create your own ringtone to your iPhone, if you know other methods to create ringtones on iphone so please do not hesitate to share in the comment section
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